Our Vision


To promote and spread the pre-existing Asa-Faith (Asatru) of the Teutonic people of Scandinavia and Germany through any non-violent means necessary. To promote the ideal of forming groups and communities of like minded members. To promote the Asa-Faith (Asatru) as practiced by our Founder, Elders and described by 10th-19th century scholars through religious observances, practices and holidays. 

The Purpose and Vision of Skergard is three-fold and sums up Skergards’ intentions as an organization. First and foremost, “to promote and spread the native religion of the Teutonic people of Scandinavia and Germany through any non-violent means necessary”. To be more specific, “native religion” refers to the native religion prior to the people converting to Christianity as written in the Poetic Edda and documented by scholarly works up to the end of the Victorian Era (1901ce), including any teachings of the Elders (members over 65) and inspirational or academic works approved by The Council.  To clarify “…of Scandinavia and Germany”, this refers to the native religion of that specific region and/or nation.  Native religious material of other nations is not considered as a “pure source” and is not officially supported or encouraged by Skergard. 

The second purpose is “to promote the forming of groups and communities of like minded members”.  Specifically, to form local communities where members live in close proximity to one another.  For example, living in the same neighborhood, children going to the same schools, et cetera.  Also, the forming of groups with the purpose of educating the public and discussion about the religion which meet on a regular basis.  Although this may not be possible for some of the membership it is a preference. This compliments the primary purpose.

The third purpose is “to promote the Asa-Faith (Asatru) as practiced by our Founder, Elders and described by 10th-19th century scholars through religious observances, practices and holidays”.  To clarify, “the Asa-faith (Asatru)” is best described by the Victorian Scholar Keyser The Northmen, before their conversion to Christianity, and as far back in time as History is able to follow them, were the adherents of a Religion usually called the Asa-Faith, from the Aesir, the Gods concerning whom it taught.  -Keyser, 1854ce; it is also described in the primary purpose as the native religion of Scandinavia and Germany. The word “Asatru” is the Old Norse equivalent of “Asa-Faith”.  The words “as practiced by” means simply a belief in the prose accepted by The Council (printed in this book), and The Poetic Edda (also printed in this book), the interpretation of which being up to each individual member.    “…described by 10th – 19th century scholars…” means specifically the acceptance of religious works written before the end of Victorian Era as more of a “pure source” over works published after the year 1901ce.  There are books preserved in Portable Document Format (PDF) available for download on the Skergard website.  As for “religious observances, practices and holidays”, most of this is covered in this book; the belief was formerly known as “Skertru” or “Skergard Faith”.


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